“Gender Equality Mainstreaming Towards Nation Building”
What is a GAD Agenda?
PCW Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2018-04 dated May 4, 2018 provides the guidelines and procedures in the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the multi-year GAD Agenda as basis for the annual GAD Plans and Budgets of agencies.
The GAD Agenda is the agency’s strategic framework and plan on gender mainstreaming, and achieving women’s empowerment and gender equality. It shall:
serve as basis in identifying programs, activities, and projects to be undertaken to achieve the GAD goals and outcomes;
provide the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for assessing GAD results and outcomes that shall be the basis for strengthening the mainstreaming of a GAD perspective in the agency’s operations and programs; and
be formulated in a participatory, consultative and inclusive process. It shall consider the results from consultations with women target beneficiaries as well as women’s groups/organizations working on the sector and other concerned stakeholders, and the identified gaps resulting from gender analysis.