Philippine Standard Time:

“Gender Equality Mainstreaming
Towards Nation Building”

What is GAD Focal Point System (GFPS)?

  • Take the lead in mainstreaming gender perspectives in the PPAs of the Commission
  • Provide technical assistance to offices or units within the organization on gender mainstreaming
  • Lead in setting up appropriate systems and mechanisms to ensure the generation, processing, review and updating of sex-disaggregated data or GAD database of the Commission to serve as basis in performance-based responsive planning
  • Spearhead the preparation of the GAD Plan and Budget, and Accomplishment Report of the Commission
  • Lead in monitoring the effective implementation of GAD-related policies and the annual GAD Plan and Budget
  • Establish and strengthen the external link with the PCW and other agencies or organizations working on women’s right and gender and development to harmonize and synchronize GAD efforts at various levels of governance
  • Recommend and plan an appropriate capacity development program on GAD for COA Employees as part of and implemented under COA’s regular human resource development program

COA Resolution No. 2015-039 – December 1, 2015 re: Revised Guidelines on Mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) and the Adoption and Institutionalization of the GAD Strategic Framework in the Commission on Audit
COA Resolution No. 2010-005 – August 5, 2010 re: Guidelines in the Mainstreaming and Institutionalization of Gender and Development in the Commission on Audit