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I. Admission

  • Children of COA employees age 3 to 5 years old are qualified for admission.

II. Documentary Requirements for Admission

  1. Accomplished application form for admission.
  2. Two (2) recent (1 x 1) ID photos of the child (for admitted applicants only).
  3. Certified true copy of the child’s birth certificate.

III. DCC Requirements per Child

An inspection of all requirements will be made upon admission on the 1st day at the center:

  1. Plastic Keeper
  2. Extra clothes (2 shorts/shirts/underwear)
  3. 2 Hand towels
  4. Soap
  5. Toothpaste
  6. Toothbrush
  7. Hairbrush
  8. Baby powder
  9. Baby cologne
  10. 2 Rolls of tissue paper
  11. A pair of scissors (small)
  12. 3 pencils
  13. Glue/paste
  14. Pad paper
  15. Notebook
  16. Writing book
  17. Coloring book
  18. Crayons
  19. Diapers (for non-trained kids)