I. Admission
- Children of COA employees age 3 to 5 years old are qualified for admission.
II. Documentary Requirements for Admission
- Accomplished application form for admission.
- Two (2) recent (1 x 1) ID photos of the child (for admitted applicants only).
- Certified true copy of the child’s birth certificate.
III. DCC Requirements per Child
An inspection of all requirements will be made upon admission on the 1st day at the center:
- Plastic Keeper
- Extra clothes (2 shorts/shirts/underwear)
- 2 Hand towels
- Soap
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Hairbrush
- Baby powder
- Baby cologne
- 2 Rolls of tissue paper
- A pair of scissors (small)
- 3 pencils
- Glue/paste
- Pad paper
- Notebook
- Writing book
- Coloring book
- Crayons
- Diapers (for non-trained kids)